Mission Summary

19770830F1 N41RF
Tropical Storm Anita 1977

Flight Crew ( N41RF )
FlightDirectr Michie
FlightDirectr Darby
Pilot Gunnoe
Pilot Penry
Navigator Schissel
Navigator Adams
FlightEnginer Cicirelli
FlightEnginer Fleury
FlightEnginer Netterville
ElectEngineer Schricker
Radar Tech Calvert
Electric Tech Loudin
Data Technicn Branch

Scientific Crew ( N41RF )
Lead Proj Sci Burpee NHEML
Cloud Physics Willis NHEML
Cloud Physics Cunning NHEML
Radar Science PBlack NHEML

Take off Landing
MIA 1512 UTC New Orleans NAS 2235 UTC

Mission Summary :

NHEML research into Tropical Storm Anita
The flight took off from MIA at 1512Z on 08/30/1977 and landed at New Orleans NAS at 2235Z with 4 penetrations.

Mission Data :

1 second data

Flight Track

Temp & Dew Point

Wind & Altitude

Data Tapes
PMS cloudphy 1 0 Z 0 Z

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