WP-3D Aircraft-Satellite Data Link
WP-3D aircraft on hurricane reconnaissance or research missions
transmit in-situ data via satellite to the National Hurricane
Center (NHC) every 15-30 min.
Five types of data transmissions can be sent:
- Vortex Messages
- Recco Messages
- Minobs
- Temp-Drop messages
- Radar Composites
HRD has developed software for analyses of these data in near
real-time at NHC to enable the forecasters to visualize the
storm structure and interpret the kinematic structure in the
context of the convective organization.
- Griffin, J.S., R.W. Burpee, F.D. Marks, And J.L. Franklin, 1992: Real-time airborne analysis of aircraft data supporting operational hurricane forecasting. Wea. Forecasting, 7, 480-490.
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Updated August 28, 2001