The following hotels are close to AOML and provide government rates. Please link to their respective sites to get information on how to get to their location. (Disclaimer)
Hampton Inn Miami-Coconut Grove/Coral Gables --;jsessionid=QAWPPAMYGRON2CSGBJN2VCQKIYFC3UUC?ctyhocn=MIACGHX&ctyhocn=MIACGHX
To get to AOML from the Hampton Inn Coconut Grove -- turn right on to US1 north. Stay to the right and follow the road til you reach the Rickenbacker Causeway. Turn right to the toll plaza. The toll is a $1.50. From the toll plaza, follow the causeway
about 3.5 to 4 miles. When you see signs for the Miami Seaquarium, you
are about 1/4 mile from AOML, which will be on your left. It is a 5
story, grey concrete structure. You will turn left from the causeway. at the traffic
light, onto Virginia Beach Drive. Proceed approximately 100 meters and make a left turn into
the AOML parking lot. The entrance to the NMFS SE Fisheries Center is directly across
the streeet.
JW Marriott Hotel -- Miami Financial District --
To get to AOML from the JW Marriott get on Brickell Ave (south) go to Rickenbacker Causeway and make a left to the toll plaza.The toll is a $1.50. From the toll plaza, follow the causeway
about 3.5 to 4 miles. When you see signs for the Miami Seaquarium, you
are about 1/4 mile from AOML, which will be on your left. It is a 5
story, grey concrete structure. You will turn left from the causeway. at the traffic
light, onto Virginia Beach Drive. Proceed approximately 100 meters and make a left turn into
the AOML parking lot. The entrance to the NMFS SE Fisheries Center is directly across
the streeet.
Extended Stay American --
Grand Bay Club – Key Biscayne --
To get to AOML from the Grand Bay Club go east on Carondon Blvd (East) cross over the bridge and turn right at the light Virginia Beach Drive. Proceed approximately 100 meters and make a left turn into the AOML parking lot.
MayFair Hotel and Spa Coconut Grove --
Doubletree Grand Hotel Biscayne Bay --
To get to AOML from the Doubletree, MayFair, and Grand Bay -- turn
left on S. Bayshore Drive and follow it north to US1 (Brickell Avenue).
Turn right onto US1 (Brickell Ave.) and make the immediate right onto the
Rickenbacker Causeway. The toll plaza will be immediately in front of you.
The toll is a $1.50. From the toll plaza, follow the causeway
about 3.5 to 4 miles. When you see signs for the Miami Seaquarium, you
are about 1/4 mile from AOML, which will be on your left. It is a 5
story, grey concrete structure. You will turn left from the causeway, at the traffic
light, onto Virginia Beach Drive. Proceed approximately 100 meters and make a left turn into
the AOML parking lot. The entrance to the NMFS SE Fisheries Center is directly across
the streeet.