from:lu02 subject:Re: Infinite Tux Reccomendations LMAO "No internet" strikes again! 1. yeah we need some sort of save state. 2. Fireball and sprint have traditionally been the same button in mario games so it would feel weird doing it another way but maybe we can keep that the same and instead map fireballs to a second button so that both ways are available. 3. Up=jump? Did you slide in from an alternate universe? 4.This is a must but at the time there wasn't a gamepad java library I liked so I didn't even bother to implement it for the keyboard either. 5. Lets talk about this one. Let's make Ifinite Tux great again! ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Infinite Tux Reccomendations Dear Mr Qbancoffee, As I have been taken hostage by the great villain that known as "no internet", I have been forced to play Infinite Tux 24-7 while in solitary confinement. As a result, I have mastered the ways of the Tux and have some suggestions to make it less of a torture device. 1. Save system (I got to world 4 and hit ESC by accident) 2. Fireball button should not be the same as sprint 3. Up button should be jump 4. In game key customization 5. Get rid of the shark enemy, or shorten the platform it spawns on I believe if you implement my suggestions we can make Infinite Tux great again.