from:ax07 subject:Re: Good moring Hey baby, How are you? I kinda been losing track of everything, so my bad for not responding. Anyways just letting you know I'm alive. There's a gym here that I'm using so you don't have to worry about me looking like Santa when I get back. Yesterday I got to see a bit of stars with no light, it was amazing. Kinda looked like space mountain. Although there was one light on the boat that you could tell was ruining a lot of it. I wish you could've seen it. One day I'm taking you to the middle of nowhere so you can experience it too. Anyways, love you :). lu04 wrote: from:lu04 subject:Good moring Good morning chris <3, how are you doing, I hope you are doing well on the boat and that the trip is going well. right now i do not have a car since kia had to keep my car to fix the axis of the tires. so I've mostly been studying and working on stuff for Holmat. I miss you, its really quiet without you around. I can't wait to see you when i get back from Orlando. stay safe and enjoy your time in Spain. I love you <3