from:lu02 subject:Re: Re What do you think? lol, typing on those macs does suck! I'll check through emails and confirm all of that. ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: What do you think? Are we sure that the Vienna is having a GPS issue? Last I recall, we were able to fix their GPS issue over email and it was just something like a restart. Other than that, we just need to reload them with probes. So, if Jim can go to reload them, then yes. I don't think they're coming to anywhere but New York. If I recall correctly, we needed antennas for the Varna and for the Bremen. Vienna should be fine. Check your emails for the Vienna's last message. You should be copied on that. And check the XBT plotter for their last deployments. It's possible that they have had a GPS issue since starting back, but if they have, I haven't been able to see it. Jim might be misremembering. But I might also be misremembering. Zach P.S. typing on this mac is a pain. My hands keep touching the mousepad briefly enough to make the cursor click on random parts of the message or even highlight entire lines and delete them because I'm typing over them. lu02 wrote: from:lu02 subject:What do you think? Jim sent me this. I am not available on the 4th should he drive up to New York? Hey Pedro, Sorry, I wasn't clear, the antenna you are sending me is for the Varna, now we have the Vienna Express coming into NY and only NY and they are having a gps issue. Do I need to make plans to meet the Vienna in NY to see if we can repair them on June 4? Thanks, Jim