from:ax07 subject:Re: From Francis Hi Francis, Yes, we should have that many boxes in stock at J&D. IIRC that might wipe us out from the last shipment though, so it will likely be a good idea to work on a new shipment to J&D when I get back. The best way is usually to send a message to Shaun and John Watson at J&D and let them know that we need boxes moved to the Agulhas II with approximate sailing dates, copying the person that is requesting the probes so that they can liaise with J&D for best dates to deliver the probes. I should be able to send a message when I hit land and get internet, but it's probably better to send one with the information and copy me now so if there's any miscounting I did, it can get figured out if we need to fedex a few cases to fill in. Best regards, Zach lu02 wrote: from:lu02 subject:From Francis We are planning an AX25 cruise in a few weeks. The ship sails on Jun-27. They need 36 boxes and are asking where to find them in Cape Town. Zach knows about this and he can provide details. How can we pass their questions to Zach: 1. Do you have that many boxes (36) in stock in Cape Town at JD Shipping? 2. Can we collect from them to load on the vessel? Thank you, Francis