from:lu01 subject:Re: Re Re Re Re Hi Hi sweetie, I think I shut down the browser too soon so you may get two of these. If not, I said that that all makes sense. If you're getting in on the 20th then you'd be getting home as early as next Monday or Tuesday? There's not much else going on here other than the usual work stuff. I'm still bogged down with ULINK. There's a major event on the 31st so we're cramming to be ready. It's tiresome. -_- Aside from that's it's just all the usual new school year prep. I love you and miss you. Let me know when you find out about your arrival. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: Re Re Re Hi Lol. I know. Ugh, that sounds like not a fun day. *hugs* So, right now, the port in Agleciras isn't telling us much as to when we're going to be able to make port. We are traveling fast, with the idea being that we'd get there in the afternoon on the 20th. The captain was hoping to know more by today or tomorrow. So far, there has been no indication of when they would be allowing us to make port. We may get close and have them tell us to slow down or that we have to wait 4 days to get into port or something. I don't really know, and it sounds like they're not telling the captain either. I might be in port this weekend, but it might go until next week. We're about halfway there, so timing is tracking for our arrival on the 20th. We'll see if we have to wait outside of the port or slow way down before we get there. I love you too and would also rather kiss you than die. :) Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: Re Re Hi Hi sweetie, lol you know how my mom is, she has to Mrs. Bennet at everything. I'm sure she's fine. Last I saw about Barry it made landfall but I didn't have the tv on much yesterday and today's been non-stop. I had a ULINK meeting all morning, and have another on Friday. Then next week I'm going to have to Skype in on one of my days off. -_- Then it was just a deluge of emails for projects I'm involved with and...yeah I'm glad to be home. I'm a little're arriving in Algeciras on the 20th? This Saturday? But you'll know more Tuesday or Wednesday next week? Did you give me an incorrect date or are you really going that fast that you'll be off the boat in five days? Can you please clarify this? I love you and would rather kiss you than die. :P ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: Re Hi Hi Sweetie, :) good to hear from you too. Yeah, so far the weather has been really good and calm. You can tell her that if it helps. How is Barry doing in the gulf? did it stall over somewhere? Last I saw, over the weekend it was supposed to make landfall and start petering out. Ugh. That sucks. *hugs* Arrival date so far is the 20th, but that is likely to change depending on the port in Algeciras. The captain said that she would know more hopefully by tuesday or wednesday next week. I also plan on asking about internet soon. If I get it, I'll send you a message. Last I heard, you get up to 2 hours of connection per day. Love you and miss you also. Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: Hi Hi sweetie, I'm glad to hear from you. It's been quiet around here. I've been watching Avatar, exercising and reading. It's quiet without you. There's not much else happening. Mom is worried about you being on a boat when there's a hurricane. >.> I reminded her you're in the Atlantic and Barry is in the Gulf. I have that full day ULINK meeting tomorrow, sigh. That's about it. I love you and miss you. hugs. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Hi Hi sweetie, Sorry I haven't messaged so far. The past couple of days have been mostly working or sleeping, unfortunately. Yesterday was nice as they had a barbecue for the whole crew and I got to sit and enjoy that for a little while. How are things at home? Unfortunately not much to report here. Everything is working alright so far. Love, Zach