from:lu01 subject:Re: Hi Hi sweetie, I'm glad to hear from you. It's been quiet around here. I've been watching Avatar, exercising and reading. It's quiet without you. There's not much else happening. Mom is worried about you being on a boat when there's a hurricane. >.> I reminded her you're in the Atlantic and Barry is in the Gulf. I have that full day ULINK meeting tomorrow, sigh. That's about it. I love you and miss you. hugs. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Hi Hi sweetie, Sorry I haven't messaged so far. The past couple of days have been mostly working or sleeping, unfortunately. Yesterday was nice as they had a barbecue for the whole crew and I got to sit and enjoy that for a little while. How are things at home? Unfortunately not much to report here. Everything is working alright so far. Love, Zach