from:lu02 subject:Re: Re GPS failing lu02 wrote: from:lu02 subject:Re: GPS failing Look inside the antenna interface box and make sure that there isn't a loose wire. If you find one, tighten it. Just for now , place the backup antenna near the window pointing out and power it up. plug the GPS serial cable to the other interface box. This should give you good GPS. Let me know if this works. If it does , then you'll have to "install" the backup antenna somewhere outside. It's doesn't need to up high since you are not going to transmit with it, it just needs to get a GPS signal. Let me know if this works. Good luck, Pedro ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:GPS failing Hey, GPS is not working. Speed and course says invalid and it is stuck on the same coordinates. Tried restarting and it worked for one deployment then it stopped working again. I've seen this happen before on this cruise and I just wiggle the wires around and it came back. That's not working as well.