from:ax07 subject:pushing through Hi, Love you lots and miss you. Had lasagna with garlic bread for dinner. It didn't looked good at first but it tasted good. Had pork, potatoes and green beans for lunch. Had cauliflower yesterday. It wasn't bad. A bunch of the officers gathered around the launcher to film it deploying. They made it like a big thing just to get laughs. It was cheesy. Reading the Moody book. It's inspiring. Might finish it tomorrow. I want us to have a vision for the future and not just make money. Maybe I should have brought more books and snacks. We stopped today and are not stopping tomorrow because it is a German holiday. You would think it would be the other way around. The holiday is celebrating Jesus Christ ascension. We will be stopping Friday and one other day after that. When we pass the Azores Islands going to Spain, Captain wants people to write letters and give it to a fisherman to mail it for them. I was thinking of doing it but I will get home faster than the letter. I've always seen the islands every time going to Spain. They mentioned that at one time they took the rescue book to the islands to wonder around. That would be cool if I were able to do that. One of the officers is Polish and I told him about the Polish holiday ya had in Chicago but couldn't remember the Generals name. Hope you are doing well. I feel like this cruise is the longest I've ever had. Maybe it is because of the stopping. Love you, Patrick