from:ax07 subject:hey there 5/28 Hey, I am doing okay. The launchers that I started with has only 6 tubes working. Then, when I switched that out, the new launcher wasn't connecting. I missed dinner because of that. Currently, the ship has stopped again. It's good because I can get full sleep. It is bad because all the data as a whole will have time gaps in between. I hung out with the officers last night. They are pretty social. I don't think I will lose a lot of weight as before because the food is pretty good. I can't get up for breakfast tho. I might lose weight because I keep walking up the steps. I counted the steps and it is over 100 steps. By the end of this trip, I will be able to go all the way up without needed to stop. I forgot to mention that 2 training cadets look like A.J. Biesner. It was scary. I don't talk much with the training cadets. Just casual greetings. I hope all is well. Can't wait to hear from you. Love, Patrick