from:lu01 subject:Re: checking in Hi sweetie, Did you not get my email yesterday? The 25th? I don't see it in my outbox but I swear I wrote yesterday. :/ I'm alright. Not sure why you didn't get my message. Yesterday I basically just said it was a normal Sunday and I was doing laundry, and then more stuff about the Muller report. Today's just another Monday. There's a new kitty roaming around though. She was meowing really loudly Saturday night so I went out to check and see what was happening. She's super skittish. I saw her yesterday too, barely - she really blends in, so I named her Shadowcat. Haven't seen her today...just Spot. I hope this email reaches you! I love you. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:checking in Hi Sweetie, I haven't heard from you in a couple of days and I just wanted to check and see if everything was going okay. I'm alright here, just want to make sure you're alright. Love, Zach