from:ax07 subject:Re: Re Re Re Re Re Re Re I guess it isn't Hi Sweetie, Don't worry about dinner. I'll either get it on the plane or just grab something on my way home. Okay. I couldn't remember if he was or wasn't. Them saying that he's vindicated is not surprising. They'll be quick to say that since nothing has happened to him as a result of it that it's been nothing but a witch hunt and that he's been harassed from the word go. Until something does happen and they'll pivot and talk about something else or have someone else they want to try to throw under the bus to not talk about him. Wasn't there something from the house that was a bipartisan demand that whatever happened with the report that it be released to the public? Hopefully that carries some weight and we'll see what happens. Okay. Enjoy salad and Ant-man and Wasp. :) yeah, we can watch Infinity war again after I get back. Yeah, I suspect that's all the news is going to be for a while or until it's released. Lots of it could be's and whatifs and talking in circles because no one really knows what's going to happen. *hugs* Love you too, and can't wait to see you either. also, I talked to the captain today, and it seems like we're going to be getting to the port area on the 27 (Wednesday) but that the port is likely not going to be allowing us in until the night of the 27th or morning of the 28th. So, still sounds like we'll be in on the 28th and I'll just have to wait. Good news is that I shouldn't have to rush rush rush to get everything packed up as soon as we get close to port. Love you and miss you, Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: Re Re Re Re Re Re I guess it isn't Hi sweetie, Alright. I'll expect you next Saturday night. If you're getting home at 9:00, should I have dinner for you? Or will you eat earlier? No, you're right, Barr was confirmed as Attorney General. Trump's got so many interims and actings I forgot. He's been confirmed. But yeah, now we're waiting for the actual release of the report, if it gets released. Since there are no more indictments, the Trumpers are all crowing about how this totally vindicates Trump, etc. Because let's ignore the other dozen investigations into the rest of his shady dealings. *eyeroll* We also don't actually know what's in the report yet, so.... It's about dinner time here. I bought a bunch of stuff for a salad so I'm going to make that for dinner. I think I'll watch Ant-Man and Wasp. I watched Black Panther again last weekend. I figure we can watch Infinity War together after you get back. Otherwise its been a quiet day. I'll leave the news off for awhile since it's all speculation at this point and everyone's going around in circles. *hugs* I love you, and can't wait to see you next week. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: Re Re Re Re Re I guess it isn't Hi Sweetie, I know. It's not optimal, and I'd rather get home earlier, but I've had too many times where it's "we're getting in on day X" and then three days later it's day Y and then when you actually get close, day Y comes and goes and you don't get in until day Z. Looks like with the ticket we have for now, it's going to be the night of the 30th, about 9:00 PM. I get it, and if I had really seen anything about it beforehand, I might not have been super into it. I like the people in it and I'll probably watch the rest at some point, but I'm not crazy for it. That's true. It's just weird. The dog is weird. And annoying. That definitely sounds like something Spot would do. Just hang out annoying a dog or just ignoring it because he knows it can't do anything. Oof. Welp, that should be interesting. I didn't realize he was still acting AG. Some reason I thought that they had actually confirmed him. Guess I wasn't paying attention. Yeah, if no one else has seen it, it's all just going to be speculating what it's going to say and have. We'll see. Yeah, I don't figure she'd contact you if there wasn't anything to contact you about. Get some rest, relax over the weekend as much as you can. <3 Hugs Love you and see you next Saturday. Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: Re Re Re Re I guess it isn't Hi sweetie, Okay...I'll expect you home next Saturday. Let me know when you expect to arrive - morning? Evening? Yeah, it's why I was watching American Gods. I loved the book, but the show just looked a little too extra for me. As for the dog, it seems to always be right on the other side of the window, so I usually assume it hears us, or maybe smells us? There is a wall there, but you Or some combination of the two. But yeah, yesterday Spot was just like...Imma chill here right in front of the window where the dog is going nuts and look out upon my vast domain while the hapless dog yips in futility.... Well, the big news today hit on the way home from work. Apparently the Muller report is complete and has been submitted to acting Attorney General Barr. No one else has seen it yet, but it's done. The news shows are all over it but it's just all speculation now. So, things should be interesting when you get back. I have not heard from your mom. I assume the same, that since she's not visiting then she won't contact me. Well, it's Friday so it's time to clean the things. Love you and miss you. See you next Saturday sometime. <3 ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: Re Re Re I guess it isn't Hi Sweetie, I hope so too. Today hasn't been too bad. mostly gray and misty, which is fine. It would be nice to get home on the 29th, but we're planning my flight for the 30th just in case. It looks like now is an expensive time for flights so it's better if we get it now and err on the side of caution. I'm sorry. I would like to get home earlier too, but I also don't want to book it for the 29th and then get in on the 28th and have to change everything. Sorry. *hugs* Yes, America Gods is weird. It is a Starz show so they are playing up everything. I finished season 1 which is all i have and it's good but weird. Half of it is trying to figure out what is going on. I think I'm invested now and will watch season 2 at some point, but just to find out what's happening mostly. I don't know if it is something you'd like. Aww. At least he's still interested to some degree. He might just be messing with the dog now. He may have figured out that the dog can't get to him and is just making noise whenever he's around. Or he's testing to see if the dog can get to him. I still don't know how the dog knows that people are there. I've never seen it in the window. I guess that he could hear, but I've left in the mornings sometimes and there shouldn't have been enough sound for it to hear me. *hugs* I hope you can get some rest this weekend. Have you heard from my mom at all? I suspect that since she's not coming down, she hasn't said anything, but I just wanted to check. Love, Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: Re Re I guess it isn't Hi sweetie, I hope you come out of the rain soon. That can't be fun just being on a boat in the rain all the time. :( I hope you get home on the 29th. I miss you. Let me know when you'll be arriving and returning home. Yeah, the commercials for American Gods always look...interesting. The book was great but I'm not sure how I'd feel about the show based on the ads I've seen. Is it a Starz show? If it's a premium cable show I bet that's why they're playing up the sex/violence/weird. Spot visited today but he didn't want to stay inside. Our foyer floor apparently smelled amazing and then he had to go majestically survey his land in the front. The yippy dog next door was going nuts the whole time. I wonder if Spot is trolling him by just sitting just outside the window. The dog is annoying. So glad tomorrow's Friday. It'll be good to finish out the week. I miss you. Give you real hugs when you're home. Love, ~Lauren ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: Re I guess it isn't Hi Sweetie, Glad to hear that today was better for you. In terms of weather, today has gottne a little bit worse than yesterday. Hopefully, either us or the front will start moving faster or slower so that we aren't stuck in it the whole way. I talked to the crew and found out a little more about when we're getting in. It sounds like it will be a little bit later than we expected. As of today, the earliest we'd be getting into port in Algeciras will be the 27th of March. It looks more like it will be the 28th at this point though. That means that I'd be getting home on either the 29th or the 30th. :( Once I know better that date and when to book my flight, I'll let you know. That sounds interesting. We'll have to see how it tastes when it gets in. :) Hope you're doing alright. I'm doing fine here. I started watching American Gods, and it's... interesting. Not sure how I feel about it yet though I'm about halfway through the season. Love you and miss you. Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: I guess it isn't Hi sweetie, Today was better, both in terms of weather and craziness. I'm making dinner now...trying to roast a spaghetti squash. Oh! I ordered us some barbecue sauce. XD New episodes of Queer Eye dropped last Friday so I've been watching that. One of the episodes was so adorable. The guys go help these two old lady sisters who run a barbecue shack in Kansas City. They have this secret sauce, and the guys helped them get it bottled to sell. So I bought some. And apparently so did a ton of other people, there's articles talking about how they sold like 11,000 bottles of bbq sauce over the weekend. o.O; So we'll have some bbq sauce soon. :) Hmm, otherwise I think that's about it from here. Love you, and enjoy the ping pong! ~Lauren