from:ax07 subject:Re: mail It's going alright. Going to be close on XBTs, but we should be fine. Still windy for sure. I definitely sent you at least three messages. I'm not sure why they aren't getting to you. Maybe check the other folders, make sure they aren't getting caught somewhere? I think I had the transmission queue wrong, but it also seemed to work, so I don't know what's going on there. I've changed the path from tmp/queue to the amverseas transmission queue directory. In order to get get_messages correct, I had to change the ftp path to ftpmail. I thought that would be /XBT/ but that doesn't seem to work. If you do get this, let me know. I can resend the other three the regular way. Zach lu02 wrote: from:lu02 subject:mail How's it going out there? Still windy? were you able to update the ftp mail? I should have a couple of more improvemts later this week. Pedro