from:ax07 subject:Re: Shipping to SA Hi Andy, The amount they mentioned was roughly $500USD, IIRC. They would handle all customs fees and delivery. They only asked that I put a nominal value for the batteries and equipment to keep customs fees low. If you contact the agent, you'll likely have all the information needed. Chris does have the info for the person. I made up a packing list and invoice for them, but I'm not sure if Uli or Chris were copied on that one. If not, you could ask them to send you what I sent. I might have put it in my phodnet share. If I did it would be under share/barton/filemaker/shipping/ in two PDFs. They should be the last edited documents in that folder. Best regards, Zach lu02 wrote: from:lu02 subject:Shipping to SA Hi Zach, This is Andy. Chris wants to go ahead with the air shipping to Africa. Just wondering if you had an amount for the agent in South Africa that you mentioned in the email. Does he handle all customs fees and delivery to the ship? If I contact that agent will he have the information I need, Chris says he has that person's contact info. Thanks, Andy