from:ax07 subject:Message to My Wife - Hey Zach, Would you mind forwarding this message to my wife, please. I've been using the wifi, but it's been down all afternoon/evening.... Thank you, Shaun ------ Hey Baby! Sorry we weren't able to text tonight. :/ I'm not sure what happened, but the wifi has been down all evening. I tried logging in about a million times, but it keeps saying there's an unknown error (after I'm logged in). Back to the old fashion way of communicating on these trips. lol wah wah wahhhh Hope you had a good afternoon/evening and you're feeling 100% now! What'd you do after work? Were you able to go for a walk? Although I know you're probably sleeping by now, I wanted you to have a message asap. Although I couldn't message you, i've been thinking of you and missing you. :* I love you MUCHO, sweetheart!!!! <3 Sweet dreams and sleep tight. I'll talk to you as soon as the wifi is back up and running. ;) TQMMMMMMMMMMMM