from:lu02 subject:message Just got a message from Shaun. He says everything is o.k. here's the message from:lu02 subject:Re: Re just checking up. Hey buddy, Thanks! Your profiles are coming through just fine, everything is looking great. Glad to hear you have everything under control. Keep pluggin along and good luck! Pedro ax07 wrote: from:ax07 subject:Re: just checking up. Hey Buddy, Thanks for the message. All is well here, just plugging along. Now that i'm out of the high density component, I wanted to test this system and ensure i was able to get through to you. Seems to be working like a charm...nicely done! Purchased wifi today as well, so I have a couple means of messaging now. That said, i'll probably still only check each system once a day. Are you seeing the xbt transmissions? The queue is empty, so i assume so, but I'm on drop 30 and it shows the last submission was 23. Hope that's the start of the 5 profile batch and it includes 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. If so, I guess I have a couple more drops before the next transmission. Anyway, have yourself a nice evening and I'll talk with you soon. Thanks again for the message, Shaun lu02 wrote: from:lu02 subject:just checking up. How are things going? I don't see any profile yet. remember that in order to send you have to place the suffix after the user. fr example to send to me lu02, you will have to make it good luck, Pedro