from:ax07 subject:Re: Re Re Hi Sweetie, :) I'll have to look for some recipes. And yeah, it's on the threshold of too spicy for me, at least at the strength they make it on board here. Ahh. I get you. Depending on the hotel, there might be a way to pay for it before the stay. Then you'd put a card on file for incidentals. A lot of the other booking sites have a pay now option, like expedia or something like that. Not sure if a hotel during a convention like that would be able to do that though. Yeah, sorry. Sounds like right now, they're going to be doing just enough to get there on the 9th. We're going faster right now, but we're going through some rain and weather, so I suspect that that is just to out of the range of the weather and it's back to being slow. If anything changes, I'll let you know. And when I get flights I'll let you know the times and stuff. I'll make sure to keep some data on the internet here to have connection after I take the gear down, so if anything like a major delay happens, I'll be able to talk to someone at work and to send you a quick message also. Love you, miss you and wish I was there too. Love, Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: Re Hi sweetie, That sounds lovely. You can make some bryani for me. Though yeah, toning down the spice may be necessary so I can actually taste it. As for the hotel, it's less how much it costs and more can I get it on the 2017-2018 fiscal year? I haven't heard back from OnPeak yet, so I'm still not sure. Their auto response said up to two business days for a response so maybe I'll hear tomorrow. That's too bad. It would have been nice to have you home sooner. I'll manage. I'll see you on the 11th. Let me know if it's any other day. I miss you. Love you, and wish you were here. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: Hi sweetie, Yeah, I think. I only know how to pronounce it, not spell it. It was a green curry-ish kind of dish with chicken over rice. It was good. We can look it up when I get home. If I can find a recipe, I'll make it. (after your parents are gone though) I'll have to tone down the spice a bit though. It was fine for me, but I suspect it'd be a bit spicy for you. Phonetically, it's bee-rahn-ee :( hope the meetings weren't too bad and mostly boring. Okay. So, it would depend on how much the cost of the hotel and stuff would be. Let me know what happens. So far, I haven't heard when we're getting in yet, but we're going slow enough that I suspect that we are on the schedule that I had before. So that would be getting in to Algeciras on the 9th and getting home on the 11th, provided that it's not too windy in Algeciras that they can't use the cranes. That's what happened the one time that I was delayed for a day. I miss you too. It feels different this time, not sure what it is, but just feels different. Love you, Zach lu01 wrote: from:lu01 subject:Re: re Hi sweetie, I'm glad things are going alright. Byrani? I don't know what it is but it sounds tasty! What was it? Going back to work today meant things picked up. Way too many meetings and such today. Got some answers regarding the ALA trip to New Orleans. I'm able to go and use my 2017-2018 funds, but only if they're all spent before the turn of the fiscal year. For the airfare and registration, no problem. The hotel not so much, since hotels usually charge at the end of the stay. I don't want to eat too much into my 2018-2019 funds. :/ So I'm still working on it. I guess we'll see. Otherwise it's quiet here. I miss you. It's strange not having you at home in the evenings. Love you and miss you. ~Lauren ax07 wrote: Hi sweetie, Thank you for sending her a message. Things are alright. a few minor bugs, but nothing that can't be handled so far. It's honestly kinda quiet here too. The one nice thing so far is that most of the crew are from Sri Lanka and the cook asked if I liked sri lankan food last night, to which I said yes and now I'm able to eat some of their food. Lunch today was byrani (birani?) don't know how to spell it. It was tasty though. *hugs* I miss you too. I'll be happy to be home soon also. Love and miss you, Zach