from:lu02 subject:ftp-mail update Here are the files to update. I'm going to send you a zipped file containing the files to replace. below are the instructions to get you up and running -create sent directory for your user mkdir -p /var/www/html/sent/ax07 -add variable to your config.ini file open the config.ini in /var/www/html/cfg place "sent = "/var/www/html/sent" " under the [paths] section like so. ignoring the other configuration values like outboxQueue as these are set for you installtion. [paths] outboxQueue = "/home/pedro/auto_ftp_queue" inbox = "/var/www/html/inbox" sent = "/var/www/html/sent" FTPHost = "" FTPPath = "ftpmail" once done run the following commands -set permissions to write to the appropriate folders sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www sudo chown -R www-data /var/www