%key flag description (see Cookbook for detailed descriptions) 1 SPA %spikes - SPA - chop only one point! 2 TOR %temperature offset - reject from surface 3 TPR %test probe - reject from the surface 5 HFA %high frequency filter THE ENTIRE TRACE w WSA %wire stretch e EFA %eddy-front region r REA %repeat profile (within 15 minutes) t TOR %TOR from cursor y BBA %bad bathy (replace with missing value) u NTR %no trace reject - formerly URA %under resolved profile i IVA %inversion - confirmed o TOA %temperature offset - accept!!! %reject from cursor p PIA %probable inversion leftbracket CTA %constant temperature - accept to 10m and reject below rightbracket STA %steps - confirmed backslash NON %not used a NON %not used s SAA %surface anomaly d DUR %duplicate profile - reject f FSA %fine structure g NON %not used h HFA %high frequency noise - filter j PSA %probable steps k LER %leakage - reject from cursor position l LEA %leakage - accept and flag from surface semicolon NON %not used z HBR %hit bottom x NGR %no good - reject from cursor c CSA %chop surface spikes v IPR %insulation penetration - reject from cursor b WBR %wire break - reject from cursor n NUA %nub m NON %not used comma IPA %insulation penetration - interpolate over spike period SPA %spikes - interpolate over spike(s)