Hi Kevin, Here are some notes concerning the program and test files: Program: testrwmkevin.for Files: k63940760.dat file, input file to this program is the original kriged data file (indicated by the k it is an unformatted direct access file. the first record the only piece of information is in the 4th column, and it has the number of total records in the file, +1, to count record one, we always read that first to add go directly to the next record to add data ex: if there are 74 real records in file, that number would be 75, therefore the first record we would write would be rec#76. 63940760.asc Is a formatted ascii output file, to see the actual contents of the file 63940760.dat file, is the same original file, written by this program to show how to write it. Columns are: col 1: time: Julian day since Jan 1, 1979 = day 1, 14064.00000 = 7 3.0000 2017= July 3, 2017, last date of update col 2: lat, col 3: lon, col 4: sst(deg C) col 5: ve (cm/sec) col 6: vn (cm/sec) col 7: speed (cm/sec) col 8: error lat (how far apart is the interpolated value from the observed) col 9: error lon col 10: error sst Please let me know if you have any questions, Best, Mayra