For Patrice Cousineau, Hi Patrice, I have put the DCL command files and C_ program source files on AOML's anonymous ftp site: "cd" to pub/phod/goos/palace. The command file: "''P1'" is submitted daily after the data have been retrieved from the ServiceArgos Maryland computer. The parameter P1 is the VMS filespec of the data which is a log of the Argos download. That command file executes three more command files and then sends a mail message announcing any new or updated Palace messages. 1) "''P1'" This command file reads the output of the "PRV" download command and creates ".str" intermediate hexadecimal "string" files which are the raw ASCII segments with duplicates removed. 2) This command file takes the raw hex data, applies calibrations, and outputs Palace temperature profiles. 3) This command file compares the profiles to existing profiles to determine if there are new or changed (updated) profiles. The command file sends the created text listing new or updated profiles to mail recipients. The "C" language routines were compiled and executed on a DEC Alpha 3000 Model 700 workstation using a DEC C V5.6 compiler and VMS v.7.2-1 operating system. These programs handle "Type 1" T profilers from Webb Research and T-S profilers from Scripps. The programs for handling "Type 2" profilers are on the UNIX system. The "C" routines were written by David Bitterman of AOML and the VMS implementation and DCL command files were done by Mike Minton of AOML. You may send any questions to me and I will answer, get answers from Dave, or have Dave respond. Check the "STR" sub-directory for a sample .str file, the "TP" sub-directories for sample .tp files and the file. The "CALS" sub-directory has sample calibration files. I have not included the programs which actually do the telnet because I assume you already get the download from Argos. But, if you need them also, then just let me know. I know this is sketchy documentation because we considered this internal software. However, we will give any assistance we can. Do not hesitate to email or call. Best regards, Mike Minton (407) 389-0166