## Telephone Cable Data and Header ## Station Location: Bahamas ## A new file is created daily but append every minute with the file name YYYYMMDD.XXX ## where YYYY is the current four digit year ## MM is the current month (01-12) ## DD is the day of the month (01-31) ## XXX is the ID of the data logger that collected the data ## All header information lines start with the ## characters ## All data is spaced delimeted & stored in lines starting with the $$ characters ## All sampling commences at the begining of each minute and averaged at the end ## Each data line is timed stamped around the center of each minute ## Each data line starts with the $$ characters and has the following fomat: ## Column ---------------- Data Description-------------------- ## 1 Always the $$ characters ## 2 3 digit GMT Julian Day ## 3 4 digit GMT Year ## 4 2-digit Hour portion of 24 hour GMT Time ## 5 2-digit Minute portion of GMT Time ## 6 2-digit Second portion of GMT Time ## 7 Always Voltage for Channel 0 ## 8 Always Voltage for Channel 1- May be blank ## 9 Always Voltage for Channel 2 -May be blank ## 10 Always Voltage for Channel 3 -May be blank ## 11 Always Voltage for Channel 4 -May be blank ## 12 Always Voltage for Channel 5 -May be blank ## ## NOTE: Columns 7 thru 12 are user selectable. The format is XX.XXXX ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Fake file created by RG on 12/30/2021 to have a last day of 2021 file... $$ 365 2021 00 00 30 1.2278 1.2290 1.2215 1.2184