ARGO - Delayed-mode Float Post-DMQC analysis
SAARC Region - Version 1.2

Summary plots for all floats for temp:001-781 and psal:001-781

A table with the temperature and salinity statistics is here.

The following link to summary plots in groups of 100 floats:

For temp:001-100 and psal:001-100
For temp:101-200 and psal:101-200
For temp:201-300 and psal:201-300
For temp:301-400 and psal:301-400
For temp:401-500 and psal:401-500
For temp:501-600 and psal:501-600
For temp:601-700 and psal:601-700
For temp:701-781 and psal:701-781

Boundaries used for difference statistics:

+/- 1.000 - temperature mean
2.000 - temperature standard deviation
+/- 0.008 - temperature slope
+/- 1.750 - temperature intercept
+/- 0.125 - salinihty mean
0.150 - salinihty standard deviation
+/- 0.001 - salinihty slope
+/- 0.150 - salinihty intercept

Comments and suggestions may be sent to: Vicki Halliwell (