ProfID | Cycle | A/D | Mode | DSI | JULD | JDQC | Date | Lat | Lon | LQC | nobs | Max PRES | PQC(nc) | PQC(ck) | NTB | NSB |
3900694.001 | 002 | A | D | 2C | 21316.527685 | 1 | 20080512 | -0.181 | -31.145 | 1 | 68 | 1270 | AAA | AAA | 4 | 3 |
3900694.002 | 003 | A | D | 2C | 21326.505903 | 1 | 20080522 | -0.249 | -30.968 | 1 | 68 | 1270 | AAA | AAA | 5 | 4 |
Legend | |
ProfID | Cosecutive Profile ID (for this analysis) |
Cycle | Profile cycle number |
A/D | Ascending/Desending flag |
Mode | Data mode (Real-time,Adjusted, Delayed) |
DSI | Data State Indicator |
JULD | Julian Day |
DQC | Juliad Day QC flag |
Date | Date |
Lat | Latitude |
Lon | Longitude |
LQC | Location/Position QC flag |
nobs | Number of points in profile |
Max PRES | Maximum pressure in the profile |
PQC(nc) | *Profile_(param)_QC from nc data file |
PQC(ck) | *Profile_(param)_QC from check estimated from adjusted fileds |
NTB | Number of temeprature buddies |
NSB | Number of salinity buddies |
Last update: 29-Jul-2013