Profiles for Float 1900757 (Time series plots)
Table legend is at the bottom of th epage
ProfID Cycle A/D Mode DSI JULD JDQC Date Lat Lon LQC nobs Max PRES PQC(nc) PQC(ck) NTB NSB
1900757.001 000 A D 2C 20789.882535 1 20061202 -13.506 8.217 1 66 1200 AAF AAF 0 0
1900757.002 001 A D 2C 20799.542685 1 20061212 -13.657 8.070 1 66 1200 AAA AAA 0 0
1900757.003 002 A D 2C 20809.540775 1 20061222 -13.825 7.728 1 66 1200 AAA AAA 0 0
1900757.004 003 A D 2C 20819.539421 1 20070101 -13.964 7.310 1 67 1250 AAA AAA 0 0
1900757.005 004 A D 2C 20829.538889 1 20070111 -14.021 6.945 1 69 1350 AAA AAA 0 0

ProfID Cosecutive Profile ID (for this analysis)
Cycle Profile cycle number
A/D Ascending/Desending flag
Mode Data mode (Real-time,Adjusted, Delayed)
DSI Data State Indicator
JULD Julian Day
DQC Juliad Day QC flag
Date Date
Lat Latitude
Lon Longitude
LQC Location/Position QC flag
nobs Number of points in profile
Max PRES Maximum pressure in the profile
PQC(nc) *Profile_(param)_QC from nc data file
PQC(ck) *Profile_(param)_QC from check estimated from adjusted fileds
NTB Number of temeprature buddies
NSB Number of salinity buddies

* A-F indicator of percent good data in a profile for PRES/TEMP/PSAL

Last update: 29-Jul-2013