13 45300.0 249900.0 20460.0 17.51837 18.00287 18.48737 17.65982 19.56535 19.69821 20.46837 20.80984 21.36964 21.91752 22.46681 22.95804 23.44927 0.00000 0.00000 -51.23707 -51.41123 -51.58540 -52.70776 -52.63161 -52.70384 -52.26170 -52.58538 -52.44900 -52.47793 -51.56659 -51.36472 -51.16285 0.00000 0.00000 ARTHUR96.TRK Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of JUN 17, 1996 6 17 1996 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year Track created at 20:56:12Z MAR 6, 1998 Track generated by Program POSTFITTRK The global track used for post-season processing of all flights in ARTHUR96.