4 36 1.0 27 10 1985 1 1 900 IN ESE 21.7 116.50 21.0 116.50 866 10.00 12544 11397 5.0 2 2 900 OUT W 21.9 149.50 19.8 149.00 866 8.00 12663 14106 8.0 3 3 900 IN S 22.4 149.50 22.1 149.50 845 7.50 18300 16868 6.0 4 4 900 OUT N 22.0 94.50 19.8 71.50 846 18.00 18522 20051 17.5 5 5 900 IN W 26.2 82.50 24.4 145.00 833 8.00 24116 22675 3.5 6 6 900 OUT E 17.6 107.00 17.1 107.50 830 11.00 24134 25517 3.5 7 7 900 IN NNW 26.2 123.50 26.1 137.50 815 6.00 28963 27659 6.0 8 8 900 OUT E 17.8 102.00 17.4 102.00 813 6.00 28985 30396 6.0 9 1 900 IN E 18.5 33.00 18.5 33.00 798 0.50 43365 42081 0.5 10 2 900 OUT W 34.9 135.50 33.9 135.50 799 3.50 43379 44733 1.0 11 3 900 IN S 24.0 132.50 23.7 99.00 804 8.50 49302 47861 7.0 12 4 900 OUT N 20.9 36.00 20.9 36.00 798 14.50 49326 50693 7.0 13 5 900 IN W 29.0 149.50 28.1 149.50 797 1.00 54916 53516 0.5 14 6 900 OUT E 22.3 122.50 22.0 133.50 797 4.50 54930 56353 0.5 15 7 900 IN N 22.0 144.00 22.0 144.00 790 3.50 61308 59867 2.0 16 8 900 OUT S 24.7 52.00 23.8 52.00 784 10.50 61317 61949 2.5 17 1 850 IN E 31.2 143.50 31.2 143.50 1186 11.50 108085 106822 9.0 18 2 850 OUT W 44.6 140.00 44.4 140.00 1189 8.50 108114 109366 8.5 19 3 850 IN SSE 34.2 105.00 34.0 105.00 1191 10.50 113623 112306 8.5 20 4 850 OUT N 11.7 25.00 11.2 25.00 1190 15.00 113644 113855 8.0 21 5 850 IN W 41.2 126.00 41.2 126.00 1189 3.00 116999 115725 0.5 22 6 850 OUT E 36.3 115.00 36.1 116.00 1183 13.50 117113 118238 11.5 23 7 850 IN SSE 30.2 116.50 29.0 116.50 1189 10.50 123015 121741 7.0 24 8 850 OUT W 35.1 138.50 35.1 138.50 1190 17.50 123140 124240 13.5 25 9 850 IN W 35.9 146.50 35.5 146.50 1179 11.50 126442 125157 7.0 26 10 850 OUT E 28.5 142.00 28.3 142.00 1180 16.50 126777 127910 14.5 27 1 850 IN ENE 25.6 108.00 25.1 108.00 1198 4.50 174836 173635 1.5 28 2 850 OUT W 25.1 89.50 24.9 90.00 1200 9.50 174901 176100 6.5 29 3 850 IN S 23.6 48.00 23.5 48.00 1207 3.50 180128 178909 2.0 30 4 850 OUT N 22.6 55.50 22.4 55.50 1198 2.00 180140 180607 2.0 31 5 850 IN W 22.8 51.50 22.6 85.00 1211 5.50 183743 182506 5.0 32 6 850 OUT E 24.1 94.00 24.1 94.00 1207 10.00 183757 184950 5.0 33 7 850 IN NNW 19.5 33.00 19.5 33.00 1211 0.50 186496 186159 0.5 34 8 850 OUT S 24.8 49.00 24.8 49.00 1209 0.50 186509 187598 0.5 35 9 850 IN S 24.0 58.50 24.0 58.50 1211 2.00 188776 187685 0.5 36 10 850 OUT E 20.4 116.00 20.4 116.00 1227 16.00 188946 190123 16.0 JUAN85 First line holds: Number of flights for storm Number of passes for storm DR (see top-level README file for explanation) Starting day, in day, month and year Order of variables: Global pass number Local pass number, i.e., the pass number for the local flight The standard pressure for the pass, in mb. String, either "IN " or "OUT" for inward or outward pass String giving approx. location of the pass relative to the storm center Maximum (scalar) windspeed in that pass, in storm-relative coords Radius (distance from storm center) at which max windspeed is found Maximum tangential wind for that pass Radius at which max. tan. wind is found Minimum height of the standard pressure surface, in meters above sealevel Radius at which min. height of standard pressure surface is found Time value for the innermost bin that has data Time value for the outermost bin that has data Radius of the innermost bin that has data Radii are in km and winds in meters per second