8 42600.0 105000.0 12480.0 8.65481 8.98418 9.31354 8.87001 8.86507 8.83472 8.93850 9.04229 0.00000 0.00000 -71.32696 -71.90553 -72.48409 -72.69105 -73.16123 -73.42929 -73.88872 -74.34814 0.00000 0.00000 JIMENA91_850MB.TRK Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of Sep. 23, 1991. 9 23 1991 ! Zerotime in integer month, day and year. Global track file used for final processing of JIMENA91_23IA. Created by Edrahn, Mar. 5, 1992.