15 225300.0 370500.0 12100.0 20.66972 20.97988 21.29003 21.65556 21.97188 22.37383 22.64299 23.31515 23.44703 23.99840 24.04898 24.62901 24.50708 25.44656 26.38605 -45.12005 -45.00800 -44.89596 -44.75490 -44.61569 -44.68533 -44.49797 -44.18303 -44.58203 -43.43591 -43.14248 -42.85284 -42.23834 -42.19798 -42.15763 HUMBERTO01_700MB-TRK.txt Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 21, 2001 9 21 2001 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year Track created at 02:20:23 JAN 29 2003 Track generated by Program POSTFITTRK