13 128100.0 258900.0 13080.0 18.15939 18.51731 18.87524 19.33569 19.46446 20.49730 19.93678 20.48085 20.77129 21.21991 21.54542 21.91159 22.27777 0.00000 0.00000 -44.20040 -44.26479 -44.32919 -44.40022 -44.62640 -44.71301 -44.76873 -44.96432 -45.27441 -44.73203 -44.99282 -44.58526 -44.17770 0.00000 0.00000 HUMBERTO01_600MB-TRK.txt Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 21, 2001 9 21 2001 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year Track created at 20:19:31 JAN 30 2003 Track generated by Program POSTFITTRK