8 55472.0 119140.0 12733.6 10.50063 10.58902 10.67741 10.94055 10.85754 10.71154 10.75846 10.80538 0.00000 0.00000 -39.49676 -40.04030 -40.58384 -40.52282 -41.05448 -41.41901 -41.59873 -41.77844 0.00000 0.00000 HORTENSE96_850MB1.TRK Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 7, 1996 9 7 1996 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year Track created at 18:44:39Z AUG 3, 1998 Track generated by Program POSTFITTRK