8 67503.0 87194.0 3938.2 8.88287 8.88138 8.87989 8.91084 8.92822 8.92412 8.98749 9.05085 0.00000 0.00000 -71.37872 -71.45638 -71.53404 -71.65874 -71.75574 -71.88020 -71.97701 -72.07383 0.00000 0.00000 GUILLERMO97_02H1.TRK Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of AUG 2, 1997 8 2 1997 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year Track created at 17:48:33Z AUG 2, 2000 Track generated by Program BIGD