12 6900.0 112200.0 11700.0 18.40485 18.71728 19.02970 19.27944 19.94163 20.45424 21.00876 21.63285 22.18785 23.23586 23.95646 24.67705 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -49.29241 -49.58499 -49.87757 -50.05046 -50.17382 -50.63330 -50.76050 -50.84314 -50.66889 -50.46757 -50.31979 -50.17201 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 GLORIA84_3.TRK Zerotime is 0000Z on the morning of Sep. 26, 1985. 9 26 1985 ! Zerotime in integer month, day and year. The global track used for the final processing of the 26I, 26H2 and 26I2 flights.