1158709.00 30.305 -88.837 2 ! 28H1 600mb 1162652.00 30.342 -88.910 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1164844.00 30.357 -88.930 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1167725.00 30.361 -88.965 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1170690.00 30.343 -88.954 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1177460.00 30.409 -88.960 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1181230.00 30.466 -88.948 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1182363.00 30.483 -88.943 6 ! 28I1 800mb 1184980.00 30.535 -88.933 2 ! 28U2 700mb 1187100. 30.700 -88.900 1 ! IR satellite -9999.90 0.00 0.00 0 GEORGES98_800MB.CTR Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 15 1998 9 15 1998 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year. Center file used to generate GEORGES98_800MB.TRK, the global track used for the final post-season processing of the 28I1 flight. Created by Edrahn, July 6, 2000.