591325.00 18.029 -65.268 2 ! 21U2 700mb 603580.00 17.946 -66.007 6 ! 21U3 700mb 613193.0 17.981 -66.660 1 ! Interpolated 622806.00 18.016 -67.313 6 ! 21U3 700mb 628251.00 18.024 -67.534 6 ! 21U3 700mb 629100. 18.200 -67.700 1 ! IR satellite 647100. 18.200 -68.500 2 ! Visual satellite 653580.00 18.229 -68.752 6 ! 22U1 700mb 658756.00 18.349 -69.016 6 ! 22U1 700mb 663551.00 18.466 -69.289 6 ! 22U1 700mb 667136.00 18.433 -69.759 6 ! 22U1 700mb 679500.00 18.8 -70.5 1 ! IR satellite -9999.90 0.00 0.00 0 GEORGES98_700MB4.CTR Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 15 1998 9 15 1998 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year. Center file used to generate GEORGES98_700MB4.TRK, the global track used for the final post-season processing of the 21U3 and 22U1 flights, both at a standard pressure 700mb. Created by Edrahn, July 6, 2000.