520995.00 16.818 -60.809 2 ! 20U2 700mb 526000.00 16.898 -61.169 2 ! 20U2 700mb 539471.00 17.231 -62.171 6 ! 21U1 700mb 545660.00 17.286 -62.603 6 ! 21U1 700mb 551318.00 17.346 -62.981 6 ! 21U1 700mb 558196.00 17.470 -63.457 6 ! 21U1 700mb 560700. 17.600 -63.600 2 ! Visual satellite 571063.00 17.725 -64.180 6 ! 21U2 700mb 582300. 17.800 -64.800 2 ! Visual satellite 583045.00 17.876 -64.872 6 ! 21U2 700mb 586988.00 17.869 -65.068 2 ! 21H1 600mb 591325.00 18.029 -65.268 6 ! 21U2 700mb 597452.0 17.988 -65.638 1 ! Interpolated 603580.00 17.946 -66.007 2 ! 21U3 700mb -9999.90 0.00 0.00 0 GEORGES98_700MB3.CTR Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 15 1998 9 15 1998 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year. Center file used to generate GEORGES98_700MB3.TRK, the global track used for the final post-season processing of the 12U1 and 21U2 flights, both at a standard pressure of 700mb. Created by Edrahn, June 16, 2000.