3 16 1.0 10 8 1995 1 1 900 OUT N 26746 28240 Windspeed: 21.60 m/s 104.00 km 27691 = 07:41:31 AUG 10 Tanwind: 20.60 m/s 82.50 km 27480 = 07:38:00 AUG 10 2 2 900 IN W 32058 31301 Windspeed: 8.72 m/s 66.00 km 31342 = 08:42:22 AUG 10 Tanwind: 7.40 m/s 59.00 km 31426 = 08:43:46 AUG 10 3 3 900 OUT E 32484 34127 Windspeed: 23.41 m/s 146.50 km 34094 = 09:28:14 AUG 10 Tanwind: 23.20 m/s 146.50 km 34094 = 09:28:14 AUG 10 4 4 900 IN N 40317 38651 Windspeed: 17.44 m/s 79.00 km 39404 = 10:56:44 AUG 10 Tanwind: 17.40 m/s 81.00 km 39382 = 10:56:22 AUG 10 5 5 900 OUT NE 40711 42143 Windspeed: 15.72 m/s 141.00 km 42069 = 11:41:09 AUG 10 Tanwind: 15.70 m/s 141.50 km 42073 = 11:41:13 AUG 10 6 1 900 IN NNE 64268 62973 Windspeed: 16.26 m/s 136.00 km 63105 = 17:31:45 AUG 10 Tanwind: 14.90 m/s 136.00 km 63105 = 17:31:45 AUG 10 7 2 900 OUT S 64806 66308 Windspeed: 19.83 m/s 57.00 km 65361 = 18:09:21 AUG 10 Tanwind: 19.40 m/s 57.00 km 65361 = 18:09:21 AUG 10 8 3 900 IN E 71245 69856 Windspeed: 14.62 m/s 121.50 km 70134 = 19:28:54 AUG 10 Tanwind: 13.70 m/s 122.00 km 70129 = 19:28:49 AUG 10 9 4 900 OUT W 71448 72249 Windspeed: 22.88 m/s 71.50 km 72168 = 20:02:48 AUG 10 Tanwind: 20.10 m/s 73.50 km 72193 = 20:03:13 AUG 10 10 5 900 IN S 76625 75146 Windspeed: 19.70 m/s 28.50 km 76405 = 21:13:25 AUG 10 Tanwind: 19.70 m/s 28.50 km 76405 = 21:13:25 AUG 10 11 6 900 OUT N 76752 78286 Windspeed: 15.89 m/s 41.50 km 77168 = 21:26:08 AUG 10 Tanwind: 15.40 m/s 140.50 km 78189 = 21:43:09 AUG 10 12 7 900 IN WSW 82772 81980 Windspeed: 28.10 m/s 52.50 km 82201 = 22:50:01 AUG 10 Tanwind: 24.50 m/s 76.00 km 81980 = 22:46:20 AUG 10 13 8 900 OUT E 82923 84426 Windspeed: 16.54 m/s 62.00 km 83522 = 23:12:02 AUG 10 Tanwind: 16.10 m/s 62.00 km 83522 = 23:12:02 AUG 10 14 1 900 IN ENE 150474 148898 Windspeed: 35.44 m/s 25.50 km 150241 = 17:44:01 AUG 11 Tanwind: 34.30 m/s 25.50 km 150241 = 17:44:01 AUG 11 15 2 900 OUT S 151012 152652 Windspeed: 32.70 m/s 17.00 km 151180 = 17:59:40 AUG 11 Tanwind: 32.20 m/s 9.50 km 151099 = 17:58:19 AUG 11 16 3 900 IN SE 156494 154904 Windspeed: 35.92 m/s 16.00 km 156334 = 19:25:34 AUG 11 Tanwind: 34.70 m/s 16.00 km 156334 = 19:25:34 AUG 11 GABRIELLE95 First line holds: Number of flights for storm Number of passes for storm DR (see top-level README file for explanation) Starting day, in day, month and year Order of variables, first line: Global pass number Local pass number, i.e., the pass number for the local flight The standard pressure for the pass, in mb. String, either "IN " or "OUT" for inward or outward pass String giving approx. location of the pass relative to the storm center Time value for the innermost bin that has data Time value for the outermost bin that has data second line: Maximum (scalar) windspeed in that pass, in storm-relative coords Radius (distance from storm center) at which max windspeed is found Time value for max. windspeed third line: Maximum tangential wind for that pass Radius at which max. tan. wind is found Time value for max. tanwind Radii are in km and winds in meters per second