25639.00 16.865 -54.226 3 ! 09U1 850mb 45316.0 17.467 -55.282 1 ! Interpolated 64992.00 18.069 -56.339 6 ! 09U2 850mb 71681.00 18.141 -56.680 6 ! 09U2 850mb 77962.00 18.056 -56.878 6 ! 09U2 850mb 84327.00 18.207 -57.009 6 ! 09U2 850mb 96307.0 18.494 -57.472 1 ! Interpolated 108288.00 18.781 -57.934 6 ! 10U1 850mb 114380.00 18.951 -58.446 6 ! 10U1 850mb 121381.00 18.771 -58.475 6 ! 10U1 850mb 127684.00 19.168 -58.681 6 ! 10U1 850mb 128700.00 19.400 -58.800 2 ! Visual satellite 150300.00 20.100 -59.500 2 ! Visual satellite 152331.00 20.254 -59.476 3 ! 10U2 700mb 158292.00 20.417 -59.740 3 ! 10U2 700mb -9999.90 0.00 0.00 0 FLOYD99_850MB.CTR Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 9 1999 9 9 1999 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year. Center file used to generate FLOYD99_850MB, the global track used for the final post-season processing of the 09U2 and 10U1 flights, both at a standard pressure of 850mb. Created by Edrahn, March 29, 2000.