385771.00 20.080 -63.082 2 ! SCAN of 07U3 700mb 398236.0 20.373 -63.174 1 ! Interpolated 410701.00 20.666 -63.267 6 ! 07U4 850mb 417217.00 20.772 -63.328 6 ! 07U4 850mb 430670.00 21.192 -63.322 6 ! 07U5 850mb 437127.00 21.256 -63.236 6 ! 07U5 850mb 444360.0 21.509 -63.238 1 ! Interpolated 451694.00 21.762 -63.240 2 ! 08U1 700mb 457197.00 21.872 -63.134 2 ! 08U1 700mb -9999.90 0.00 0.00 0 ERIKA97_850MB3.CTR Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of SEP 3 1997 9 3 1997 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year. The center file used to generate ERIKA97_850MB3.TRK, the global track used for the final post-season processing of the 07U4 and 07U5 flights, both at a standard pressure of 850mb. Created by Edrahn, Sept. 15, 2000.