321750.00 24.380 -73.947 2 ! 26U1 850mb 327995.00 24.620 -73.889 6 ! 26H1 600mb 330176.00 24.650 -73.899 6 ! 26H1 600mb 332323.00 24.683 -73.903 6 ! 26H1 600mb 338670.0 24.733 -74.087 1 ! interpolated 345017.00 24.783 -74.271 2 ! 26U3 850mb -9999.90 0.00 0.00 0 DENNIS99_600MB1.CTR Zero time is 0000Z on the morning of AUG 23 1999 8 23 1999 ! Zero time in integer month, day and year. Center file used to generate DENNIS99_600MB1.TRK, the global track used for the final post-season processing of the 26H1 flight. Created by Ed Rahn, Nov. 1, 2001