3 10 1.0 9 9 1994 1 1 900 IN E 20.8 147.00 19.0 115.50 1023 33.50 86944 84705 31.5 2 2 900 OUT W 11.0 35.50 11.0 35.50 1019 33.00 87144 87467 30.5 3 3 900 IN NE 22.1 95.00 21.0 95.00 1017 40.00 92436 91398 14.0 4 4 900 OUT SE 11.0 61.00 11.0 61.00 1020 10.50 92559 94169 7.0 5 1 900 IN NNW 14.6 78.00 14.6 78.00 1004 23.00 128939 127528 16.0 6 2 900 OUT WNW 11.2 125.00 11.0 125.00 1023 97.00 130831 131887 95.0 7 3 900 IN W 15.1 31.50 14.9 31.50 1013 31.00 133558 132449 31.0 8 4 900 OUT E 13.1 16.00 12.5 16.00 1008 19.00 135123 136691 15.5 9 1 900 IN N 20.2 29.50 20.2 29.50 989 9.50 151185 149754 9.5 10 2 900 OUT E 14.7 128.50 12.6 33.00 981 15.00 155171 156662 15.0 DEBBY94 First line holds: Number of flights for storm Number of passes for storm DR (see top-level README file for explanation) Starting day, in day, month and year Order of variables: Global pass number Local pass number, i.e., the pass number for the local flight The standard pressure for the pass, in mb. String, either "IN " or "OUT" for inward or outward pass String giving approx. location of the pass relative to the storm center Maximum (scalar) windspeed in that pass, in storm-relative coords Radius (distance from storm center) at which max windspeed is found Maximum tangential wind for that pass Radius at which max. tan. wind is found Minimum height of the standard pressure surface, in meters above sealevel Radius at which min. height of standard pressure surface is found Time value for the innermost bin that has data Time value for the outermost bin that has data Radius of the innermost bin that has data Radii are in km and winds in meters per second