46800.00 32.000 -79.000 1 65989.00 31.996 -78.197 1 71973.00 32.137 -77.976 1 75842.00 32.303 -77.844 1 82016.00 32.561 -78.023 1 109374.00 32.385 -77.921 1 113429.00 32.424 -77.862 1 118578.00 32.382 -77.718 1 128700.00 32.500 -77.600 1 135420.00 32.600 -77.500 1 141540.00 32.700 -77.500 1 148260.00 32.800 -77.500 1 162151.00 32.939 -77.191 1 165578.00 33.076 -77.096 1 169937.00 33.251 -77.032 1 172099.00 33.338 -77.108 1 177869.00 33.367 -77.053 1 181227.00 33.434 -76.985 1 182530.00 33.492 -76.971 1 192420.00 33.600 -76.900 1 -9999.90 0.0 0.0 0 CHARLEY86.CTR Zerotime is 0000Z on the morning of Aug. 15, 1986 8 15 1986 ! Zerotime in integer month, day and year. Center file used to create CHARLEY86.TRK, the global track file used for final processing.