DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Reserve Command MEMORANDUM FOR ARWO Scheduler 26 Sep 24 FROM: 53 WRS Flight Meteorologist SUBJECT: Mission Summary Report G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mission Type | Hurricane | | Tasking | 23.5 N, 86.5W (0530z, 0830z, 1130z) | | Mission ID | 5309 1409A HELENE | | Departure Base/Time | kbix 09/26/24 04:07 | | Arrival Base/Time | kbix 09/26/24 12:50 | | Flight Time | 8.7 hours | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F I X P O I N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Latitude | Longitude | SLP | MWnd | SWS | | | Date/Time | dd mm N/S | ddd mm E/W | mb | kt | kt | Hurricane | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 09/26/24 05:48 | 23 34 N | 086 29 W | 970 | 54 | 60 | X | | 09/26/24 07:37 | 23 42 N | 086 19 W | 970 | 68 | 0 | X | | 09/26/24 09:13 | 24 06 N | 086 06 W | 965 | 86 | 0 | X | | 09/26/24 10:38 | 24 25 N | 085 58 W | 965 | 64 | 0 | X | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R E W R O S T E R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |AC | blair | |CP | hamblin, granderson | |Nav | fantaske | |ARWO | baker | |LM | becvar, calloway | |OTHER| +3 mep | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS: sfmr: us009: on - chnl-6 stayed bad/invalid early on then became vaild after about 2-hrs . then chnl 2,3,5 and 6 would become in random pairs forrest of mission. sfmr showed winds 20-25kts higher than drops (why). RainRate was showing higher rates whenthere was no precip as well (15-20), assumption that issue with water in the pod. restarted processor 2x with once being a total pallet restart - issues remained Penetrations Logged: 0 ARWO:____________________________________ Penetrations Verified: Verifier:____________________________________ Penetrations Posted: Awards:____________________________________