DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Reserve Command MEMORANDUM FOR ARWO Scheduler 10 Sep 24 FROM: 53 WRS Flight Meteorologist SUBJECT: Mission Summary Report G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mission Type | Tropical Storm | | Tasking | 1130Z & 1730Z | | Mission ID | 5302 0806A FRANCINE | | Departure Base/Time | KBIX 09/10/24 10:56 | | Arrival Base/Time | KSKF 09/10/24 19:15 | | Flight Time | 8.3 hours | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F I X P O I N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Latitude | Longitude | SLP | MWnd | SWS | | | Date/Time | dd mm N/S | ddd mm E/W | mb | kt | kt | Hurricane | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 09/10/24 13:10 | 24 37 N | 095 41 W | 989 | 49 | 45 | | | 09/10/24 14:53 | 24 50 N | 095 31 W | 989 | 63 | 47 | | | 09/10/24 16:32 | 25 02 N | 095 26 W | 989 | 43 | 38 | | | 09/10/24 17:55 | 25 16 N | 095 22 W | 987 | 43 | 44 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R E W R O S T E R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |AC | Boykin | |CP | Smithies, Gentile | |Nav | McElhaney | |ARWO | Olsen, Carpenter | |LM | Latham, Underwood | |OTHER| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS: 11 RECCOs, 22 total dropsondes (20 good drops, 2 bad drops), 4 VDMs (33 total obs) This was a 10/1130Z & 10/1730Z fix mission into Tropical Storm Francine. The center was estimated to be at 24.44N 95.73W and we entered from the NE to the SW, then to the SE quadrant, and ended in the NW quadrant with drops at the end points, max wind bands, and center points. For the second alpha we entered from the SW and ended the final leg in the N instead of the Se (due to heading to Kelly Field). The storm was a Tropical Storm when we entered and stayed about the same intensity throughout the mission as it moved off to the NE. We flew at FL100. As far as issues, we had to switch to the spare (5301 to 5302) due to a SFMR connectivity issue. The spare was having the same problem, but we decided to take it because it had to hurrevac anyway. Luckily it connected about 20 minutes after takeoff and seemed to work just fine. We did miss the first fix, but NOAA covered for us. The hygrometer was also red the entire mission even with troubleshooting. I switched from C to F due to a GPS FOM of 7 at 1117Z. Additionally, 5 dropsondes had the LST WND remark which seems to be an issue with the new mini sondes. Finally, the Mission Manager data was all flashing red for 15 minutes. Penetrations Logged: 0 ARWO:____________________________________ Penetrations Verified: Verifier:____________________________________ Penetrations Posted: Awards:____________________________________