DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Reserve Command MEMORANDUM FOR ARWO Scheduler 16 Aug 24 FROM: 53 WRS Flight Meteorologist SUBJECT: Mission Summary Report G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mission Type | Hurricane | | Tasking | 16/1130Z & 1730Z | | Mission ID | 5302 1505A ERNESTO | | Departure Base/Time | TISX 08/16/24 09:21 | | Arrival Base/Time | TISX 08/16/24 19:11 | | Flight Time | 9.8 hours | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F I X P O I N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Latitude | Longitude | SLP | MWnd | SWS | | | Date/Time | dd mm N/S | ddd mm E/W | mb | kt | kt | Hurricane | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 08/16/24 11:59 | 28 55 N | 066 50 W | 968 | 98 | 76 | X | | 08/16/24 13:28 | 29 17 N | 066 34 W | 971 | 67 | 59 | X | | 08/16/24 14:59 | 29 31 N | 066 30 W | 969 | 70 | 64 | X | | 08/16/24 16:31 | 29 47 N | 066 09 W | 970 | 90 | 73 | X | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R E W R O S T E R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |AC | Tift | |CP | Wordal | |Nav | Walter | |ARWO | Nelson | |LM | Hemphill | |OTHER| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS: Mission Notes: Completed 4 hurricane penetrations. Met System Used: C / F Equipment Issues: - Brief FOM 8 on C during final outbound leg, so switched to F. - Computer had blue screen of death after mission complete. Data all went yellow or red first and computer froze for about a minute and then got BSOD. Stop Code: DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION - 2 sonde issues: 1 had no RH/Temp and the other DD was 0 entire time, thought to be suspect. - Red flashing data Transmitted: RECCOS: 11 VDMS: 4 DROPS: 19 BAD SONDES (Launched, not transmitted): 1 +1 Details: Launch Time Sonde Issue 1146 No temp or RH 1336 DD was 0 entire time, this one RH was removed and still transmitted. Need to send to NCAR. Penetrations Logged: 0 ARWO:____________________________________ Penetrations Verified: Verifier:____________________________________ Penetrations Posted: Awards:____________________________________