DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Reserve Command MEMORANDUM FOR ARWO Scheduler 13 Aug 24 FROM: 53 WRS Flight Meteorologist SUBJECT: Mission Summary Report G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mission Type | Tropical Storm | | Tasking | TS Ernesto 12/2330z and 13/0530z Fixes | | Mission ID | 5308 0305A ERNESTO | | Departure Base/Time | TNCC 08/12/24 20:39 | | Arrival Base/Time | TNCC 08/13/24 06:52 | | Flight Time | 10.2 hours | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F I X P O I N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Latitude | Longitude | SLP | MWnd | SWS | | | Date/Time | dd mm N/S | ddd mm E/W | mb | kt | kt | Hurricane | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R E W R O S T E R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |AC | Blair | |CP | Roundtree/Rivera | |Nav | Fantaske | |ARWO | Mccoy | |LM | Hudgins J. | |OTHER| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS: No fixes were actually completed because system became too disorganized to fix so we ended up mapping a wind field Penetrations Logged: 0 ARWO:____________________________________ Penetrations Verified: Verifier:____________________________________ Penetrations Posted: Awards:____________________________________