Attached is the proposed pattern for the HRD-tasked Coyote/DWL research mission for Saturday 1300L (1700Z) takeoff from Lakeland.  Following the Figure-4 vortex survey, aircraft will turn downwind and then release first Coyote UAS at Pt 5. Aircraft will then navigate in a lawnmower pattern toward the eye. The second Coyote UAS will be released within the eye. As during previous flight, aircraft circumnavigate with repeated penetrations into and out of the eyewall, maintaining close communications with the Coyote UAS as the Coyote spirals outward into the eyewall.  N42 flight altitude 8000-10000ft.  Pattern may be updated for center position at time of mission. To the extent possible, keep straight legs heading to center during the initial Figure-4, as TDR data will be transmitted to EMC in real time.