DEPARMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Air Force Reserve Command MEMORANDUM FOR ARWO Scheduler 17 Jul 11 FROM: 53 WRS Flight Meteorologist SUBJECT: Mission Summary Report G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mission Type | Invest | | Tasking | 17/1800z 28.0N 78.7W East of Patrick AFB FL | | Mission ID | 5304 01BBA INVEST | | Departure Base/Time | KBIX 07/17/11 15:55 | | Arrival Base/Time | kBIX 07/18/11 00:12 | | Flight Time | 8.3 hours | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F I X P O I N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Latitude | Longitude | SLP | MWnd | SWS | | | Date/Time | dd mm N/S | ddd mm E/W | mb | kt | kt | Hurricane | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 07/17/11 20:16 | 27 34 N | 078 11 W | 1010 | 25 | 24 | | | 07/17/11 20:54 | 27 30 N | 078 06 W | 1009 | 43 | 45 | | | 07/17/11 21:51 | 27 32 N | 078 01 W | 1009 | 36 | 35 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R E W R O S T E R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |AC | Rutland | |CP | Gardner, Hamblin | |Nav | Harrold | |ARWO | Darbe, Dutton | |LM | Bickham | |OTHER| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS: Drop 400mb hgt 7639m for training enroute. Took off 20 mins ahead of ETD, but still not down to alt or at point by 1800Z. Coords chgd enrte to 28.0N 78.3W. Lots of sunglint early and adj'd SFMR up 6 degs to 38 to get sfc wnd to match well. Decreased this fudging thruout flt. Flew X pattern for invest. CARCAH requested we start at point and go 60 nm E first. Done, then we went N to start X pattern from NE quad. Worked well. Found all 4 quads in about an hour, then started alpha patterns with 50 nm legs. First leg outbound crooked to avoid tstms (red on radar w/ some blinking white). Ended up exiting to the E. Max FL (42 kt) and sfc (40 kt) winds were found outbound. Endpt recco missed while putting in Max wind rmks. Second leg much better except circled to get better fix point. Third leg had Max FL (45 kt) and SFC (52 kt) winds found outbound in NW quad. Not enough fuel for more fixes. Penetrations Logged: 0 ARWO:____________________________________ Penetrations Verified: Verifier:____________________________________ Penetrations Posted: Awards:____________________________________